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The Fourth “R” in Education: Reading, WRiting, ARithmetic and ARt

The following speech was first delivered by Alexandra York during the “Art and the Moral Imagination” conference at Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan and re-printed by Vital Speeches of the Day. Ms. York has graciously allowed it to be reprinted h ...

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On October 2nd, ROAR supporter/contributor Alexandra York participated in an online panel discussion, “Socialism in America” hosted by John Anthony, Founder of the Sustainable Freedom Lab. To listen to her segment, please select the following link: h ...

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Art / Culture

Art / Culture The following speech was first delivered by Alexandra York during the “Art and the Moral Imagination” conference at Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan and re-printed by Vital Speeches of the Day. Ms. York has graciously allowed it  ...

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